Reflections on premiering a documentary.
Reflections on premiering a documentary.
Last week, we premiered our newest documentary (and my longest one yet) during a preview screening. Over the weekend, I’ve been reflecting on the preview and the journey that led us here.
About 13 months ago, I had a chance encounter with Lindsy James at a coffee shop in Doncaster. I was supposed to be somewhere else, but my meeting got canceled. I decided to call in for a coffee and didn’t realise that this chance meeting would shape the next 13 months.
Lindsy and I hadn’t seen each other in a while when we grabbed a coffee to catch up. I mentioned that I was looking for a new creative project, but I wasn’t sure what it was. Lindsy, being the creative person she is, reeled off about five different subjects for a new documentary (all of which were great). While we were chatting, I realised that she would make an excellent documentary subject.
However, Lindsy didn’t think she was interesting enough to be the subject of a new documentary. After some back-and-forth, I convinced her to do some test filming. The catch was that if it didn’t work out and we didn’t get along, we would call it a day.
Fast forward to now. Last Friday, we premiered a new feature documentary called “When You Tri.” There have been some ups and downs along the way. Some footage that didn’t make it into the final cut, and some challenging conversations that I believe have all contributed to a film that I’m incredibly proud of.
So, what have I learned? I’ve learned that I need to travel more while making this documentary. I got to film in a couple of different places in Europe, and I didn’t realise how much I enjoyed traveling and visiting new places. I’ve also learned that when you collaborate, the process becomes richer and the product deeper. I love telling stories and connecting with people, and this project has done both. It has reaffirmed my desire to continue telling stories and making documentaries.
Lastly, I’ve learned that some people are incredible not because they achieve great things, but because they have an unwavering will and determination to be better than they currently are. That infectious spirit is truly inspiring.
This isn’t the part where I tell you I am doing a triathlon, but it is the part where I say that I feel better as a result of meeting Lindsy and making this film. It makes me want to achieve more. It makes me more determined, and in truth, it’s been an absolute joy to anyone that doesn’t know if they can. Whatever it is, they don’t quite believe they’ve got what it takes or don’t quite have the motivation. I say, “Stick with it, set goals, persevere, and you absolutely 100% can.